Same Day Delivery | Competitive Pricing | Since 1991
Same Day Delivery
Competitive Pricing
Since 1991
Run out of gas or fuel for your barbecue, generator, pressure washer, car or home? Stop by Dingmans Ferry Stone today for all your fuel needs. We are located at 1596 Route 739 to fill up on gas, diesel, propane and barbecue tank refills.
Keep your grill gassed up for summer barbeques or year-round grilling at our gas station! You'll find 20, 40, and 100-gallon fill tanks available.
Fill Up Your Car, Propane Tanks, and More!
Convenience store coming soon!
(570) 828-2617
Quarry Address
432 Park Rd
Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328
Quarry Hours
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 11:00am
Call or Text
Quarry: (570) 828-6187
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